Thursday, August 2, 2012

Sex Magic, Your Data, And You

Marshal McLuhan said "the medium is the message."  One hears this as "the medium is the message."  is a detailed list of the "tropes" that put the TV in TVness. It's a Golden Bough for post-moderns, a collection of mass-media Jungian Archetypes.

What if McLuhan meant "the medium is the message?" 

Did we mention that much of what's in human DNA is thought to be junk?  What if the purpose of some - or all - life forms is to carry secret messages? The idea of using DNA for steganography has actually been around for awhile. 

DNA can also be used as a computer.   And ... the "data" for the DNA computer is, apparently ...  more DNA

Is this why all mainstream religions take a dim view of sex magic?  Because of the potential data corruption issues?

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